Lucky DeBellevue

(Layfayette, Louisiana, 1957 - )



Mixed media

19 x 32 x 10 1/2 in. (48.3 x 81.3 x 26.7 cm)

Collection of the Akron Art Museum

Gift of the Broido Family Collection


More Information

2020 Objects to be Destroyed, Theresa Bembnister When Lucky DeBellevue first incorporated pipe cleaners into his sculptures, he says he “went with something that was very basic and memorable to me as a child, something I assume others had used in their arts and crafts classes as children or had some kind of experience with.” His other everyday materials include aluminum foil, twist ties and pistachio shells. “It’s a little bit of elevating these materials to a high art context, but also just using what is around, what one comes across during one’s day, and what interests you as a ‘thing’in its own right,” he remarks. DeBellevue twists the ends of the pipe cleaners together to create loops, building fragile, fuzzy piles he displays atop cafeteria trays.

Found objects