


Your support helps the Akron Art Museum continue to deliver spectacular art experiences to our community. If you are a new member, you picked a great time to join the Museum. If you are a renewing member, thank you for continuing to support us. You can rest assured that your membership to the Akron Art Museum will allow us to continue accomplishing our mission to enrich lives and is needed and greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Memberships are 100% tax-deductible*.



Receive the following benefits for one adult: 

  • Unlimited free admission.
  • Free parking.*
  • 10% discounts in the Museum Shop.
  • Free and/or reduced pricing for programs.



The following benefits for two adults and any children under 18 years of age living at the same residence:

  • Unlimited free admission.
  • Free parking.*
  • 10% discounts in the Museum Shop.
  • Free and/or reduced pricing for programs.



Receive All Family membership benefits as well as:



Receive All Family+ membership benefits as well as:

  • Invitations to special programming



Receive all Contributing membership benefits as well as:

  • Invitation to an exclusive artist event
  • Invitations to special programming.

Director's Circle

Those hoping to increase their personal philanthropy might consider joining the director’s circle.

Business Membership

Business membership helps your whole staff.

* The Akron Art Museum offers free parking for members visiting the Museum and amenities. For free parking, members must bring in their parking garage ticket for validation at the front desk.


A number of area businesses and foundations support the Akron Art Museum enriching the cultural life of our region through their dedication to philanthropy. Below is a current roster of our key supporters.​

Knight Foundation Logo
The Mary S. and David C. Corbin Foundation Logo
Peg's Foundation
The JM Smucker Co

Mrs. Myrna Berzon

Ms. Sandra Haslinger

Mr. and Mrs. William S. Lipscomb

Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Newman

Mr. and Mrs. Rory O’Neil

The C. Blake Jr. and Beatrice K. McDowell Foundation

Sandra L. and Dennis B. Haslinger Family Foundation


Lisa Shiner

Lisa Shiner 
Green, OH 

Why did you become a member of the Akron Art Museum?

The Museum is a gem in our community. We are so fortunate to have it as a source of art, camaraderie, music, and community programs. As a member, I feel connected not only to the artworks but also to the community, as we all can experience the wonder and exhilaration of a trip to the Museum. That feeling never gets old for me, and as a member, I feel a real sense of pride and belonging.

Have particular exhibitions been special to you?

I have to mention my top three exhibitions: Keith Haring in 2023, El Anatsui in 2012, and my favorite, Nick Cave:  Feat., in 2019. Nick Cave’s soundsuits mesmerized me. Born of man’s injustice, the soundsuits offer whimsy, imagination, and hope. Cave’s use of found objects, toys and collectibles, beads and buttons, in his artwork really resonated with me. His art has such a connective thread that I think binds us together as humans. “Heard Akron,” the outdoor program through the garden and plaza with dancers and horse figures, was a joyous extravaganza of sight and sound—one of the best events ever in Akron!

What do you enjoy about the Museum?

I enjoy the familiarity with artworks that comes as a frequent visitor. As a lifelong museumgoer, I always find “friends” among the art pieces. There are works that make me smile every time I turn a corner into a gallery and spot a favorite. I enjoy taking classes here, attending Coffee with the Curator events, and Downtown@Dusk concerts. There are so many opportunities at the Museum, and the staff is welcoming and friendly at every turn. 

If you could borrow one work from the collection to display in your home, what would it be?

Nick Cave’s Soundsuit is such an inspiration for opening up and being bold. I’d extend my arms wide and just feel that energy! Now I’m looking around my house, planning where he should go! 

If you had a chance to work at the Museum, what role would you like to take on?

As a frequent attendee of the Coffee with the Curator programs, I’ve really gotten some insight into the behindthe- scenes planning, curation, hanging, and lighting of the art. That is so fascinating, and really gives me a sense of connection to the latest exhibits. But if I picked a role here, it would be as a Gallery Guide. I’d have a chance to experience the artwork every day, while greeting visitors and having conversations about how the art speaks to them. I could sprinkle in some knowledge, but mostly I’d just want to connect with visitors. Everyone has stories to tell.

Share a favorite story or memory about the Museum.

During a recent event with sculptor Barbara Stanczak at her Spirit and Matter exhibition, she presented her process and vision of her work. Barbara was charming as she described each piece of wood and alabaster, stressing the importance of touching the stone, touching the wood, as we all stood around with our hands in our pockets lest we laid them on these inviting works. And then the magic happened. Barbara insisted we be allowed to touch the sculptures! It was both exhilarating and humbling to let my hands follow the curves of Italian alabaster, to stroke the waves made in wood by a lightning strike. A treasured memory, indeed.


Membership at the Dual/Family+ level confers membership privileges at over 100 museums across North America, including ROAM, ModCo, and the list of Ohio art museums below

*Consult a tax advisor for your personal applicability