Alliance of Artists Communities Conference

Thanks to a scholarship from the Ohio Arts Council (OAC) Associate Educator Gina Thomas McGee is currently attending the Alliance of Artists Communities Conference in San Jose, CA. Presenters and attendees are from across the country. Gina says her brain is full and squishy, but she’s excited about all the ideas she’ll be bringing back.

We’ll be updating this page with tidbits from her trip, but you can check out Instagram and Twitter for even more photos. If you’re in San Jose and see Gina be sure to say hi.

Thursday, October 24


Wednesday, October 23

From keynote: “Vulnerability is the birthplace of creativity, innovation and change.”

From the Trends in Philanthropy session- the idea that the very best situation your organization could be in is that money is the only thing you need.

Overall, it was great to explore the SoFA district and see how the arts are transforming the neighborhood. Galleries, a theatre, contemporary art center all in one block.


I met up with some fellow recipients of the Ohio Arts Council scholarship and we shared lots of ideas….and talked about the threat of snow at home.


Went to an event at the San Jose Museum of Art and got a chance to explore the galleries after hours.