You can play AAM mad libs with your friends or by yourself. Here’s how to play: Creatively fill in the list on the next page with whatever words you like, then transfer your list to the blanks in the story. Finally, read the story from start to finish and enjoy your silly creation! Be sure not to peek at the story until you’ve chosen all of the words to complete it.
Helpful Reminders!
Adjective: Describes things or people
Examples: crazy, short, annoying, messy, fluffy, brave
Noun: Person, place, or thing
Examples: cell phone, spider, home, father
Action Verb: An action
Examples: run, kick, hunt, jump, swim
Verb Ending in “ing”: An action in the present
Examples: running, kicking, hunting, jumping, swimming
Past Tense Action Verb: An action that happened in the past
Examples: ran, kicked, hunted, jumped, swam
Exclamation/Interjection: Expresses a strong emotion
Examples: Oww!, Wow!, Yay!, Yikes!