Three little words that alone don’t cause a whole lot of emotion, but put them together and the response is usually either panic or elation. Many of the local school districts started their 180 days of reading, writing and arithmetic this week. Local universities such as the University of Akron start the fall semester on Monday, August 26. Whether you’re catching the big yellow bus or the Roo Express, the Museum Store has some inspiring supplies to make your classes a little more fun.

Start the Day Right

Spilt Milk from Fred and Friends

Spilt Milk from Fred and Friends

Designed like an accident in progress, Spilt Milk will add a splash of fun to your table. It’s made from soft, flexible silicone that’s practically indestructible and is pretty much perfect to use for all those bowls of cereal.

History of Art Mug from Design Ideas

History of Art Mug
History of Art Mug

Brush up on your art history while you ingest your daily caffeine.

Perpetual Puzzle Calendar from Made by Humans

Perpetual Calendar Puzzle
Perpetual Calendar Puzzle

Never know what day it is? Sick of buying a new calendar every year? Sure, you might miss those puppies, but this calendar allows you to know what day it is without ever having to buy another calendar.

All the Write Stuff

Giant Wooden Pencil from Accoutrements

Giant Pencil
Giant Pencil

It’s big. It’s yellow. And it’s a working pencil. The lead writes, the eraser erases and it’s perfectly surreal for when you want to make your desk look tiny.

The New Black Pencils from Fred and Friends

The New Black
The New Black

What’s blacker than black? These New Black pencils have black graphite, black wood, black paint, black ferrule (that thing between the wood and eraser), black eraser and ironic white imprinting.

Piet Mondrian Inspired Dry Erase Board

Piet Mondrian Dry Erase Board
Piet Mondrian Dry Erase Board

This dry erase board was inspired by Dutch painter Piet Mondrian. The layout is strategically compartmentalized to organize messages and get your thoughts in order artistically.

Thought Cloud Sticky Notes from Kikkerland

Thought Cloud Sticky Notes
Thought Cloud Sticky Notes

Do you always come up with your ideas when you’re heads in the clouds? These sticky notes will help you collect all your wonderful ideas.

Open during regular gallery hours, the Museum Store offers a unique assortment of contemporary artful accessories for your home and lifestyle. Gallery admission is not required to shop.

Did you know  ALL University of Akron students, faculty and staff receive free admission to the museum as part of the UArts program? In fact, all UA students, faculty and staff are members of the Akron Art Museum. We’ll see you in the galleries.