Category: Museum Games

ARTstrology: Taurus

April 20 – May 20 Can’t you imagine stringing up a hammock in this lovely landscape? Of course YOU can, Taurus! You are a master of relaxation! As an earth sign, you are grounded and love the sensual delights of the natural world. You’re not lazy by any means, but you love a good dose of R and R, and what better place to do it than this scene in Seville? Tauro 20 abril – 20 mayo ¿No te imaginas colgar una hamaca en este

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ARTstrology: Aries

March 21 – April 19 Like Aries’ symbol, the ram, you run headfirst into life. You’re relentlessly determined, but cheerful, which makes you a great leader. But be careful, great leader. If you don’t push away your sign’s tendency for selfishness, you could end up like the corrupt Roman emperor Caligula, whose assassination is seen here. Lean on your cheer and kindness, and you’ll be just fine! Aries 21 marzo – 19 abril Como el símbolo de este signo, el carnero, corres de cabeza a

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ARTstrology: Pisces

February 19 – March 20 Just like this ebullient figure, you, airy Pisces, are a dreamer and a seer. You are constantly torn between fantasy and reality, which can be as exhilarating as it is scary. Your eternal optimism can be an inspiration to those around you and we love you for that. Just make sure to ground yourself every once in a while, if only to get a laugh at how seriously everyone else takes themselves. Piscis 19 febrero – 20 marzo Al igual

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MuseumGames: Word Find

Locate the given words in the grid, running in one of eight possible directions horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

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ARTstrology: Aquarius

January 20-February 18 You can move mountains, great Aquarius. Your sign’s rooting in the celestial water bearer symbolizes power and strength- like a statue. But beware, fearsome water bearer, make sure to rest amidst all those feats of strength! ARTstrology is made possible with support the Henry V. and Frances W.  Christenson Foundation

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Art-making Advice from the Oracle

Do you need a bit of inspiration for your art-making pursuits? Well, our in house oracle has you covered. Ask for advice on where you should go with your creativity. Advice on Art from the Oracle Advice from Ms. V. A. Oracle Ask me what you want to know and click on the A A

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Life Advice from the Art Oracle

Advice on Life from the Art Sage Advice from the Art Sage Ask me what you want to know and click on the A A

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ARTstrology: Capricorn

December 22-January 19 Working hard, or hardly working? You, tough Capricorn, fall in the first category. Capricorns don’t see problems, they see solutions. You have a tendency to be hyper focused on your goals, but don’t let that focus narrow your view. Take a step back and make sure you can see the forest for the trees. Capricornio 22 diciembre – 19 enero ¿Trabajando duro o apenas trabajando? Tú, fuerte Capricornio, caes in la primera categoría. Los capricornianos no ven problemas, ven soluciones. Tienes una

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Downloadable Chess Set

Grids and squares are instrumental elements of many of our works of art. Inspired by the ways artists mix colors, we made this simple downloadable mini-chess set. Enjoy a colorful holiday. Download the printable

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Make Your Own Museum Game

As a holiday gift, we’re passing on a free tile-laying game for 2 to 5 players. Players pull 15 tiles from a bowl of tiles. The first person to be rid of all their tiles, wins. Download and print the game on hard stock. On their turn, each player adds a tile: Marble floors connect to marble floors. Wood floors connect to wood floors. Floors cannot go through walls. If you can’t make a move, you need to pull a tile.

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