Category: Advanced Studios

Try This: Drawing from Life

Drawing from life allows you to hone your observational skills. What you need A pen and paper. Try to avoid an eraser. Try This? There is no trick to learn to draw from life. Just practice and practice more.

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Try This: Drawing Games

Playing with drawing can be enjoyable alone or with a friend. What You Need paper and a writing utensil Try This? Here are a few games to play.

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Try This: Draw Big and Small

If you really want to get good at drawing, you need to push yourself. Playing with scale is a good technique to change up your drawing practice. What do you need Drawing utensils and paper Try This? Push yourself to draw something huge and something tiny.

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Try This: Origami Book

This book looks complicated but is actually pretty simple. What you need Paper and glue Try This? You fold a series of folios and then glue them together. Watch the video to get a look at this process.

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Try This: Stab Binding Books

Stab bindings are a traditional Japanese style of binding, in which the thread is visible outside the spine. What do you need? Paper, a top and bottom cover, folios, a punch, needle and strip Try this? This is an easy to do binding. Watch the video a couple times and then tackle your project.

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Try This: Simple Sketchbook

Need a book to keep your drawings. You probably have what you need at home to make one. What do you need? A folder, printer paper, string, and a needle. Try this? Making a simple book is easy. Use the tutorial to guide you. Here are some downloadable instructions, too.

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Try This: Drawing Still Life

Drawing can be as easy and complicated as you choose it to be. Still Life is a good way to hone your skills. Set up something you can draw many times in different styles. Keep working until you’re happy with the results.

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Try This: Encaustic

All painting is pigment plus a binder. Many paints, like watercolor and acrylic, are liquid at room temperature. Encaustic is a pigment mixed with wax. The paint needs to be heated to be viscous enough to apply to a paint surface. The media is challenging, requiring a fast hand. The rich surface, however, makes this media satisfying.

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Try This: Silverpoint

Silverpoint is an age-old form of drawing, using a metal point on a gessoed surface. The contrast in the fine details of the drawings increases over time as the image oxides in the air.

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Try This: Using Drawing Fluid

This type of printing is effective to make multiple screenprints. You’d need the basic silkscreen materials (screen, squeegee, ink) plus drawing fluid and screen filler. This style of printmaking is wonderful for line drawings. What You Need a silkscreen, drawing fluid, ink, a brush, paper, and a squeegee Try This?

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