Past Event Community Night: Celebrate Keith Haring

Event Details


Thursday, May 18, 2023
6:00 – 9:00 pm



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Calling all teachers, creatives, and lifelong learners! Join the Museum for a conversation with national and local speakers to learn more about the legacy of Keith Haring’s life and work. Refreshments and a guided walkthrough of the exhibition will conclude the evening.

Dr. Lady J will speak about Haring’s legacy and other LGBTQ+ artists in the 1980s and their impact on today.  After her presentation, Dr. Lady J will go into the galleries afterward to continue the conversation in Against All Odds.

Free, RSVP Requested

Keith Haring. Untitled, 1982. Acrylic on vinyl tarpaulin. 180 x 180 in. (4570 x 4570 cm). Collection of the Rubell Museum. Keith Haring artwork copyright © Keith Haring Foundation