Past Event Youth Art Show: “Take Down Tobacco”

Event Details


Thursday, April 11, 2024
5:00 – 7:00 pm



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Summit County Public Health (SCPH) has partnered with the Akron Art Museum, Akron Public Schools, Coventry Local Schools and Hoban Schools to display local youth’s artwork in honor of “Take Down Tobacco Day of Action” in April 2024. Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventative death in the United States and nearly 90% of adult smokers start smoking by the age 18, a time when the body and brain are especially vulnerable to addiction. Every year, youth come together around the U.S., standing up and speaking out against Big Tobacco. SCPH has created an exciting opportunity for inspiring young artists to create pieces that depict the harms of tobacco and the feelings of being targeted by advertisements. Work will be on display by the student artists in the Museum’s lobby from April 3 – April 11. Join us for a light reception on Thursday, April 11th from 5-7pm.

Free. No Registration Required.