Altered Landscapes

Judith Bear Isroff Gallery

As the Industrial Revolution spurred urban settlement, artists increasingly turned their attention to landscapes. Initially, their work focused on pastoral views and topographically-accurate representation. More recently, artists worldwide have also used outdoor settings as sources for fanciful compositions, sharing personal perspectives or conveying social commentary. Altered Landscapes features artworks from the Akron Art Museum collection that take innovative approaches to this subject. Californian Wayne Thiebaud simplifies the Sacramento Valley vista in River and Slough while Peter Dean adds imaginative elements to his verdant surroundings in Doovekill Poppies.   The industrial view Randall Tiedman invented in Limbus Patrum #7  vividly evokes the character of his native Cleveland.  Also on display are photographs by Meridel Rubenstein and Barry Underwood, a pastel by Hollis Sigler, a sculpture by Mark Soppeland, a textile by Lilian Tyrell and other works in various media. This exhibition is organized by the Akron Art Museum.