Creativity Transcends

The Mary S. and David C. Corbin Foundation Gallery

Over the years, artists and writers with disabilities have submitted their work with the hope of being published in Kaleidoscope, a magazine whose mission is to explore the experience of disability through literature and the fine arts. Now, nine visual artists from across the country are being further honored in the exhibition, Creativity Transcends, at the Akron Art Museum. On display April 19 – July 13, 2008, the exhibition includes works of painting, drawing and sculpture. The title, “Creativity Transcends,” conveys the concept that it is both inaccurate and limiting to define a person solely by their disability. When the first issue of Kaleidoscope was published in 1979, the idea was to provide a creative option in the vocational services program of the agency now known as United Disability Services. There was no grand vision for the future – just an opportunity for the people in the program to give shape and form to ideas, experiences and feelings. But over the years it became clear that this was an idea whose time had come. Today the magazine is published twice a year and has evolved into an award-winning publication that is part of the collections of approximately 75 public and university libraries across the country, has subscribers on several continents and is recognized nationally and internationally for the quality of articles, essays, fiction, poetry and art selected for publication. This exhibition represents an important next step in a growing relationship between the Akron Art Museum and United Disability Services. For those whose work is displayed, this is a thrilling, confirming moment. For visitors with disabilities, this can be a transforming experience of possibility for themselves. For the community in general, our message is that a disability should not define a person, that it is only one piece of who a person is and that in fact, creativity can and often does transcend! This exhibition is organized by the Akron Art Museum and United Disability Services. It is made possible by generous gifts from Akron Community Foundation, the Henry V. and Frances W. Christenson Charitable Foundation and the Parent Coalition For Persons With Disabilities.