Intersections: Artists Master Line and Space

Karl and Bertl Arnstein Galleries

Intersections: Artists Master Line and Space features recent work by six sculptors who also create significant work in two dimensions. With a gallery devoted to each artist, visitors have an opportunity to view works by Mark Fox, Anne Lindberg, Nathalie Miebach, John Newman, Judy Pfaff and Ursula von Rydingsvard in depth. Three installations created onsite present exciting work conceived for Intersections. Judy Pfaff, an installation art pioneer, embraces a variety of processes and readily marries 2D and 3D elements in Turtle. The immersive installation is titled after a myth that describes the world as flat and resting on the shell of a giant turtle. An array of disparate materials, including expanded foam, digitally-manipulated photographs, lead orbs cast from cannonball molds and elegant glass teardrops is suspended from a steel “space grid” the artist welded in her studio. Tree branches, fiberglass and tape create linear patterns while the abundant disks covered with distorted images reflect Pfaff’s wide range of interests and references. Anne Lindberg suspended nearly nineteen miles of Egyptian cotton thread across a gallery for inside green. The artist, who views her works in three dimensions “first and foremost as drawings, albeit volumetric,” used fifteen colors of thread to create her shimmering composition.  Following a visit to Akron, the artist selected the blue, yellow and green tones in response to the quality of light and white oak floors in the museum galleries. Three graphite and colored pencil drawings, with layered lines rendered using a parallel bar, were conceived in tandem with inside green. Their horizontal lines offer a rush of energy, creating an “overriding sense of a band of color.” Nathalie Miebach’s Sibling Rivalry fills a wall with elements that are playful, yet address serious issues in its comparison of Hurricanes Sandy and Katrina. Blue cubes outlining the Mississippi River and Delta divide her composition. Below are images of amusement park rides destroyed by Sandy. Above, forms indicating New Orleans neighborhoods are placed alongside jumbled houses and the collapsed levies.  As with all of the artist’s work, data plays a central role Sibling Rivalry. A large wheel  records changes in wind velocity, rainfall and barometric pressure the night Katrina made landfall and other storm statistics appear alongside narrative elements that convey the storm’s human stories.