SuperNatural: Landscapes by Bruce Checefsky and Barry Underwood

Fred and Laura Ruth Bidwell Gallery
October 29, 2011 - March 4, 2012

Cleveland artists Bruce Checefsky and Barry Underwood utilize the effects of atmospheric light in addition to outside light sources to create ephemeral moments in the landscape that give viewers the sense of discovering hidden worlds. Their inventive use of photography and light alters our perception of the landscape to reveal unseen aspects.
Also an experimental filmmaker, Checefsky uses a flat-bed scanner as a field camera, aiming the scanner towards the flowers and foliage to create animated, lush images that appear to be traditional botanical studies or pastoral scenes except for the occasional scanning glitch, which blurs or distorts a part of the image. By staging temporary light installations in the landscape, Underwood similarly combines the effects of atmospheric light and his own light “interventions” to seemingly capture a secret happening—an unnatural moment in the natural world that he has chanced upon and recorded.
SuperNatural: Landscapes by Bruce Checefsky and Barry Underwood joins Michelle Droll: Landslide Between a Rock and a Place as a complement to the museum’s presentation of Landscapes from the Age of Impressionism, an exhibition of more than 50 impressionist paintings.
This exhibition is organized by the Akron Art Museum and supported by funding from the Ohio Arts Council.