The Otherworldly and the Fantastic

The Judith Bear Isroff Gallery

Three Don Drumm sculptures and a sculpture by Kiki Smith are now on view in the Judith Bear Isroff gallery through October 16th as part of a temporary extension of the collection gallery themed, “The Otherworldly and the Fantastic.” This theme focuses on post-World War I artists who have been inspired by psychology, fantasy, science fiction, and spirituality. Those subjects are conveyed through fantastic imagery or subject matter.

Celebrating local artists and their contributions is very important to the mission of the Akron Art Museum. It is a privilege to share these works by Kiki Smith and Don Drumm from the Akron Art Museum’s collection. For Akronites who are already familiar with Drumm’s lively suns, faces, and figures, these works can shed light on his early career. They come from a time when he was drawing fresh inspiration from ancient metalworking techniques, testing different materials, and adventurously working with abstract shapes on a large scale. Alternatively, for visitors who may not know Drumm’s work, this gallery can offer an introduction to an artist who has taken great pride in contributing to the artistic vibrance of our city.