First Downtown@Dusk of the Summer ft. The Wanda Hunt Band

Thursday, June 21
6:30 – 8:30 pm

Kick off the summer with the soulful sounds of The Wanda Hunt Band, a talk from Akron Art Museum Director & CEO Mitchell Kahan, an ArtCamp@Dusk preview for the kids and a cold beer from Elevator Brewery and Draught Haus.


A fan favorite of past Downtown@Dusk series, The Wanda Hunt Band has been known throughout Northeast Ohio for a great live performance of old school R&B and blues. Wanda Hunt’s terrific vocals lead the band, consisting of solid rhythm and horn sections, in classic songs, distinctive renditions of recent songs and original compositions.

In celebration of the 90th anniversary Director & CEO Mitchell Kahan will talk about the museum’s past, present and future.

Bring the kids down for a preview of the new ArtCamps@Dusk program! Children7-12 years old will explore fun and wacky hands-on art making in the museum classroom. Registration is not required for the camp preview, but is required for subsequent sessions. Sign-up today at

Concert goers may also visit the museum galleries to view Gravity and Grace: Monumental Works by El Anatsui and String of Hearts: Photographs by Bea Nettles during the evening. Gallery admission is required. For detailed information on this and other museum events, visit the calendar of events at

Downtown@Dusk 2012 is made possible by The City of Akron. It is presented in cooperation with 89.7 WKSU.

ArtTalks@Dusk are made possible by a gift from the Sam & Kathy Salem Philanthropic Fund of the Jewish Community Board of Akron.

ArtCamps@Dusk are made possible by a gift from the Harris-Stanton Gallery.