Holiday mART Artist Spotlight: Jennifer Worden

Jennifer L. Worden Upcycled GlassIn few words, how would describe the style of the pieces that you will be selling at Holiday Mart?
My pieces lean towards the modern; I’ll have recycled glass table-top trees created for this holiday season, in addition to recycled glass wall art and recycled glass in copper jewelry.

What is your art background?
The only formal training I’ve had was a pottery class in high school. When it comes to my glass work, I’m self taught. I spent more hours that I can recall researching glass techniques in books, manuals, instructional videos – anything I could get my hands on. I took the general concepts I learned about the properties of glass and did a lot of experimentation to develop my own process for fusing recycled glass. I continue to push myself, and the glass, in new ways. Always hoping to create something beautiful.

What inspires your work?
I’m inspired both by basic shapes I see everyday, and also the architectural structures in the seemingly endless varieties of ferns and fungus. I try to bring some of that organic form into the glass.

What sets you apart from other artists?
I would say it’s my medium and how I manipulate it. I’ve met people who work with traditional warm glass that is commercially prepared and I’ve met a few people who work with recycled glass but only in its cold state. I haven’t seen anyone else employing quite the same media and techniques that I work in.

Where can people go to learn more about your work? has links to Facebook and my Etsy Shop. I update all those portals often, and I love feedback, comments, and plain old salutations. And I cheerfully respond to each and every one.