Inspiration from an Akron Art Museum Visit

By Bridgette Beard, Communications Assistant

Covered Light Posts
Two covered light posts at Old Trail School.

Earlier this year the Art & Nature elective class from Old Trail School visited us after learning about Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s use of fabric, cloth and textile. The students were able to view Christo’s Wrapped Walk Ways (Project For J.L. Loose Park, Kansas City, Missouri), 1978,in the Art Inspection room because it is not currently on view at the Akron Art Museum.

Inspired by this work they returned back to school to plan “Covered Light Posts,” an environmental installation. This dedicated class presented the proposal to the school board, purchased red and purple fabric and created and installed the fabric tubes. Students from the quilting elective helped sew the fabric tubes and students in the iLife elective recorded and put together the video of the project. Check out the video to see the entire process from visiting the Akron Art Museum to final installation.

Several Akron Art Museum staff members were able to attend an opening reception on Thursday, May 19 and see the amazing work done by these young artists. It was a great chance to see work done that is so directly inspired by the Akron Art Museum.

Have you been inspired by a visit to the Akron Art Museum? Comment below for your chance to show us your Akron Art Museum inspired artwork.


Covered Light Posts Installation
A student installing the fabric.
3-10-11 viewing the Christo artwork at the Akron Art Museum
Students viewing Christo's artwork at the Akron Art Museum.