On Your Mark…Get Set…Games.

The Akron Art Museum partnered with the Gay Games 2014 Kickoff on Friday, July 18 . This event included a silent auction to win various signed movie posters, a live auction to win a ride on a Goodyear blimp, as well as a live band and food and refreshments.
Gay Games 9 is being held in Cleveland/Akron August 9-16, presented by the Cleveland Foundation. GG9, known as one of the biggest sports/cultural festivals in the world, includes 35+ sports and cultural events.
What is GG9?
Including individuals  and  organizations  representing  four continents, the  Federation of Gay Games is  primarily  an all volunteer organization. The Games invites all athletes – regardless of sexual orientation, race, gender, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, political beliefs, athletic or artistic ability, age, physical challenge or health status.

“They are, however, intended to bring a global community together in friendship, to experience participation, to elevate consciousness and self-esteem, and to achieve a form of cultural and intellectual synergy.”

Dr. Tom Waddell

Waddell conceived the idea of the Gay Games in 1980 as a “vehicle of change.” His idea built an international legacy of “changing cultural, social and political attitudes towards LGBT people around the globe.”

Past Gay Games locations include:


1982 – San Francisco, California, USA
1986 – San Francisco, California, USA
1990 – Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada
1994 – New York City, New York, USA
1998 – Amsterdam, Netherlands
2002 – Sydney, Australia
2006 – Chicago, Illinois, USA
2010 – Cologne, Germany
2014 – Cleveland/Akron, Ohio, USA
To learn more about the Gay Games or how to donate or volunteer please visit: