Photocollages are an easy way to add complex imagery to an artwork. What You Need photographs or printouts, markers, glue, and paper Try This
This book looks complicated but is actually pretty simple. What you need Paper and glue Try This? You fold a series of folios and then glue them together. Watch the video to get a look at this process.
This is one of the easiest forms of book binding. What you need Paper, straw, and string or raffia Try this? This is a simple way to make a book that mimics a stab binding.
Stab bindings are a traditional Japanese style of binding, in which the thread is visible outside the spine. What do you need? Paper, a top and bottom cover, folios, a punch, needle and strip Try this? This is an easy to do binding. Watch the video a couple times and then tackle your project.
Need a book to keep your drawings. You probably have what you need at home to make one. What do you need? A folder, printer paper, string, and a needle. Try this? Making a simple book is easy. Use the tutorial to guide you. Here are some downloadable instructions, too.
This simple project is a great way to make a book using only your hands and paper.