Tag: Children and Family programs

Family Day: Dog Days of Summer

Summer is coming to an end. It’s a time to relish freedom, enjoy family, and spend a few more minutes in the outdoors. This month’s projects celebrate the end of the holidays.

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From Rattles to Rothko: Art Babes at Akron Art Museum

by Dominic Caruso, Design, Marketing and Communications CoordinatorIn a recent online article (“From pacifiers to Picassos: Museums cater to a younger clientele”) for the Washington Post, contributor Vicky Hallett wrote about the growing trend for museums of all kinds to offer programming and specially-designed spaces for children as young as newborns. While some institutions have been at it for some time (the Museum of Contemporary Art Australia has been running a baby-tour program since 2007), others have created programs relatively recently, for number of different

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A Lamp to Light the Way: Museum as Memory-Maker

by Amanda CroweWhile it may be every parent’s quest to be young again, time is a continuum and the creative underpinnings of childhood impermanent. Throughout the past several weeks of children’s programming, I have witnessed amazingly engaged parents and caregivers embracing moments of luminosity with their little ones simply by being present. I am told that for some, “art museum” has become part of their child’s vernacular. A hug-your-teddy-bear, meaningful kind of place, where, when given a choice whether to go to the park or

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Try This: Bubblewrap Monoprint

Monoprints are simple. You add color to a flat surface, and then apply that surface to the paper. Unlike other prints, you can only print the ‘plate’ once or twice. Bubblewrap as the plate adds another layer of texture to your print.

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Try This: Abstract Faces

Simple materials like paper and pom poms turn into faces with a little ingenuity.

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