Tag: Collage

Lunchtime 5: Get Art

Found Objects Have a few minutes to flex your brain? Take a deeper dive into big ideas with staff. Each month a staff member will focus on a broad art topic and connect it to everyday instances and our collection. Today, Katelyn chats about artists using found objects.

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An Interview with Allison Zuckerman Pt. 3

Allison Zuckerman: Pirate and Muse October 27, 2018 – January 21, 2019 Go behind the scenes with Allison Zuckerman at the Akron Art Museum in part three of our interview. Allison talks about her use of technology and painting in the 21st century.   Last Look Tour! Saturday, January 19, 2019 • 10:30 am Catch the works of Jeff Donaldson and Allison Zuckerman before the exhibitions close! Chief Curator Ellen Rudolph and Associate Curator Theresa Bembnister will discuss the ways in which both artists reference

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An Interview with Allison Zuckerman Pt. 2

Allison Zuckerman: Pirate and Muse October 27, 2018 – January 21, 2019 Go behind the scenes with Allison Zuckerman at the Akron Art Museum in part two of our interview. Allison talks about feminist recontextualization of the female body in her work. Join us for two Allison Zuckerman inspired events in January 2019: Girls to the Front: Women Artists in the Akron Art Museum and Beyond Famed art historian Linda Nochlin once pondered, “Why have there been no great women artists?” That is simply no

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An Interview with Allison Zuckerman Pt. 1

Allison Zuckerman: Pirate and Muse October 27, 2018 – January 21, 2019 Go behind the scenes with Allison Zuckerman at the Akron Art Museum and learn about her creative process, how she chooses her subject matter and more. Join us for two Allison Zuckerman inspired events in January 2019: Girls to the Front: Women Artists in the Akron Art Museum and Beyond Famed art historian Linda Nochlin once pondered, “Why have there been no great women artists?” That is simply no longer the case. From

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Viola Frey, The World and the Woman, 1992, glazed ceramic, 80 x 142 x 75 in., Collection of the Akron Art Museum, Gift of Irving and Harriett Sands

Try This: Photocollage Book

Photocollages are an easy way to add complex imagery to an artwork. What You Need photographs or printouts, markers, glue, and paper Try This

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