Tag: prints

Try This: Lego Prints

Printing often uses specialized tools. But lego can be used to make a printmaking plates. What You Need legos, paper, printmaking ink (linocut ink), and a roller Try this? This is an easy press-free printmaking process.

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Try This: Bubblewrap Monoprint

Monoprints are simple. You add color to a flat surface, and then apply that surface to the paper. Unlike other prints, you can only print the ‘plate’ once or twice. Bubblewrap as the plate adds another layer of texture to your print.

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Get Art: Why Make a Print?

This series help you consider some of the bigger ideas behind understanding art.

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Explore Helen Frankenthaler’s Air Frame

Look closely at this screenprint. Learn More.

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How To: Have your own Messy Playdate at Home

By Amanda Crowe, Assistant EducatorFollow-up to Creative Playdate: Messy Playdate, December 5, 2013. Kids love to feed their curiosity by making a mess and using their senses in the creative process. Research for the education of the young child shows that more mess-making leads to higher forms of learning. Homemade Peppermint Playdough:Supplies:1 cup flour1/4 cup salt1 tsp cream of tartar (for smooth texture)1 cup water1 tbsp oil food coloring (cake decorators paste or liquid makes great colors)1 tbsp peppermint extract (easily found at craft stores

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