Tag: studio

Try This: Linocuts

Linocut prints are a relief print technique that allows artists to make multiple images from the same plate. What you need: Linoleum block, a linocut tool, ink, paper, and a burren Try this? You can play around with your image before cutting. Remember you need to reverse your image in your plate.

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Try This: Drawing from Life

Drawing from life allows you to hone your observational skills. What you need A pen and paper. Try to avoid an eraser. Try This? There is no trick to learn to draw from life. Just practice and practice more.

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Try This: Lego Prints

Printing often uses specialized tools. But lego can be used to make a printmaking plates. What You Need legos, paper, printmaking ink (linocut ink), and a roller Try this? This is an easy press-free printmaking process.

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Try This: Drawing without a Pen

Avoiding a pen is a good way to improve your drawing skills. What You Need Paper, scissors, tape, buttons Try This? Here are a few techniques to expand your drawing repertoire

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Try This: Drawing Together

Drawing without someone can make both of you better artists. What you need a writing utensil, paper, and a friend Try This? Enjoy drawing together

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Try This: Drawing Games

Playing with drawing can be enjoyable alone or with a friend. What You Need paper and a writing utensil Try This? Here are a few games to play.

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Try This: Draw Big and Small

If you really want to get good at drawing, you need to push yourself. Playing with scale is a good technique to change up your drawing practice. What do you need Drawing utensils and paper Try This? Push yourself to draw something huge and something tiny.

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Try This: Origami Book

This book looks complicated but is actually pretty simple. What you need Paper and glue Try This? You fold a series of folios and then glue them together. Watch the video to get a look at this process.

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Try This: One-Page Books

Zines and artbooks are often made using a single sheet of paper. What you need Paper Try This? This is one of those things that’s easy once you get the hang of it. Watch the videos a few times.

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Try This: Easy 2-Hole Punch Book

This is one of the easiest homemade books you can make. What you need Paper, whole punch, and thread. Try This This is a very simple book.

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