August 23 – September 22 Virgo’s your name, logic is your game. Your superpowers are organization, meticulousness, and creative problem solving. But take care, sweet Virgo. You love perfection, but accidents happen. Take a lesson from Helen Frankenthaler, who said “You have to know how to use the accident.” Virgo 23 agosto – 22 septiembre Virgo es tu nombre, y la lógica es tu juego. Tus superpoderes son la organización, la meticulosidad y la resolución creativa de problemas. Pero, ten cuidado, Virgo dulce. Te encanta
The photographer Hiroshi Sugimoto asked himself “What would be the most unchanged scene on the surface of the earth?”
This regular series uses the Akron Art Museum’s collection as a source of inspiration for home-cooked meals. When I was invited to cook up a post for our Cooking with the Collection series, the first thing that came to my mind was cod — both the painting by William Merritt Chase that hangs in the museum’s McDowell Galleries and the tasty, flaky fish that I often enjoy eating at home. Turning to the painting first, I’m particularly glad to rope it in here because I’ve
Our collection has great alternates to your regular background. These works include places and situations you might be missing while you are in social isolation, like restaurants and concerts.
July 23 — August 22 Get ready to party, Leo is in the house! You’re ruled by the sun, which explains your sunny personality, but the sun is also consistent so you are a very loyal friend. Just like the friends seen here, you’re at your best when you’re all dolled up and ready for a night out with your pals. Just don’t forget to let them shine too! Leo 23 julio — 22 agosto ¡Prepárate para una fiesta, Leo está en la casa! Estás
Realizing that works of art do not always need to be complicated or laboriously constructed, Richard Tuttle instead celebrates delicate slightness.
Talk about an abstract RECIPE that is not only driven by an unquenchable need for chocolate, but is also an expressionistic gesture drawing in food!
By Jeff Katzin, Curatorial Fellow When I let my mind drift towards broad questions about art, the issues are usually subjective: What makes a work of art beautiful? How can we balance awareness of artistic tradition with a true openness to new ideas? How can artists best communicate truths that are deeply personal? Questions like these are nuanced and exciting, but on occasion it’s a nice change of pace to delve into more objective issues; classic journalistic questions like who, what, when, and where. My
Even the works of art are doing their part! They’ve put on masks to help keep everyone safe and healthy.
Join us for a spin through some of the spaces these artists thought were worthy of attention.