Category: Museum Games

Drawing Game–Art Dice

Drawing can feel scary. This game helps you loosen up your style or just have fun. How do you play? Print out the three dice. Fold and glue them together. Grab some colored pencils or markers. Find a few sheets of paper. Roll the dice. DRAW. If you’re with a friend, guess what they drew. OR Challenge them to draw something Download the Art Dice. MuseumGames are made possible by PNC with additional support from Acme Fresh Market, the Kathy Moses Salem Philanthropic Fund of

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ARTstrology: Sagittarius

November 22 – December 21 Oh the places you’ll go! Whether it’s through books, movies, or art you love to chase novel experiences. No matter where you are, your sights are always set on a distant horizon. But travel safely Sags! Your sign tends to be impatient, so don’t forget to take a breath before setting out on your next adventure. Sagitario 22 noviembre – 21 diciembre ¡Oh los lugares a los que irás! Ya sea a través de libros, películas o arte, te encanta

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GameFest Akron Trivia

Try your hand at trivia about games and art. Board Game Trivia Video Game Trivia Art and Games Trivia GameFest Akron is made possible by PNC with additional support from Acme Fresh Market, the Kathy Moses Salem Philanthropic Fund of the Akron Community Foundation, The R.C. Musson and Katharine M. Musson Charitable Foundation, the Robert O. and Annamae Orr Family Foundation, the Henry V. and Frances W.  Christenson Foundation, and the Samuel Reese Willis Foundation.

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Doodlebug: An Interactive Game

Following along on a tour through the Akron Art Museum with Doodlebug, the art loving bug. During your visit, you’ll get the chance to meet four different paintings from the museum’s collection and ask them questions about themselves and their makers. This game was created by staff member Tyler Stallsmith, with illustrations by staff member Maria Uhase. It was included as part of GameFest Akron 2020 to offer visitors an interactive and playful way to engage with the collection. Next time you visit the museum,

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Museum Crossword

This crossword invites you to use your word smarts and the online collection to get to the right answer. Play the game virtually or print it out. Clues Across 2 Good for art bad for crime 5 Canvas alternative 6 Good for a body or canvas 10 Art to see from the back 11 Media for Jenny. (See) 15 Malleable 17 Go with it or Morris Louis‘ application method. 19 Not one look but __ glare according to Julian (See) 20 Art is sometimes on

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Play a Scavenger Hunt (online or in the galleries)

Download this scavenger hunt. Explore the collection online or in person to help you match the artworks to the games.

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Jimmy Kuehnle: Wiggle, Giggle, Jiggle, 2016, Akron Art Museum installation view. Photography by Shane Wynn

Art Bingo

Wandering around museum galleries can be relaxing and recharging. But sometimes, you might want to add a level of play. This simple Bingo card invites you to look close and enjoy the surprises. Play with a friend or against a family member. Print this card to bring with you or to use why you explore the online galleries. MuseumGames are made possible by PNC with additional support from Acme Fresh Market, the Kathy Moses Salem Philanthropic Fund of the Akron Community Foundation, The R.C. Musson

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ARTstrology: Scorpio

October 23-November 21 Poor Scorpio. You can be hard to read – like Robert Stivers’ unfocused photo – making you the most misunderstood sign. You’ve definitely got that scorpion stinger, but underneath it all you crave closeness with others. You’re always thinking about your next move, but use that gently! Take time to plan out how to put away that stinger and deepen your connections with loved ones. Escorpio 23 octubre – 21 noviembre Pobre Escorpio. Puedes ser difícil de leer (como una foto desenfocada),

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MuseumGames: Word Find

Locate the given words in the grid, running in one of eight possible directions horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

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AAM Mad Libs Art & Ale Edition

Creatively fill in the list on the next page with whatever words you like, then transfer your list to the blanks in the story. Finally, read the story from start to finish and enjoy your silly creation!

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