Community Conversations: Art and Entrepreneurship

Mouse trapBy Mark Masuoka, Executive Director and CEO

Art and Entrepreneurship are typically two subjects that occupy polar opposite positions in society. What is the role of innovation in the non-profit sector?

Art (creative process) and business (entrepreneurial spirit) are forever linked by the fact that there is no innovation without creativity.  Both industries thrive when the focus is on fulfilling a mission, not the bottomline.  Employees want to be inspired, customers want to know that their investment is making a difference and as a result, the outcome for both profit and not-for-profit systems can be  a both symbiotic and successful. 

The process of creating a new sculpture, painting, photograph, financial strategy, manufacturing system or business model is congruent with creativity. At this point, the perceived differences between art and entrepreneurship are blurred and each new discovery follows a convergent path. 

So the next time you are thinking about starting a new business or inventing a new mousetrap, watch out, you might just be stepping into the creativity zone.