Final Studies: Chi Wong

Undergraduate Student, Cleveland Institute of Art


Title of Exhibition: What is this Wonderful World?

My artwork creates a fantastical world that is playful, humorous, and absurd. I am creating an extraordinary world by posing questions of “what if’s?” and “why not?” For example, I asked myself: “What if we went grocery shopping in claw machines?” “What if shoes are turned into hats?” “What if lint is the new form of cheese and then there’s a lint burger joint?” The questions are illogical, ridiculous, and silly, but allow one to imagine what kind of world this is. The goal of this work is to question the idea of “normalcy” and challenge the human perception of their own reality by presenting a world that is very absurd in our eyes, but appears ordinary to the characters that exist in this fantastical world.

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Static Evening Show
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Watching T.V.
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Breadmaking Studio and Traffic Creame
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Dryer Light
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Burger Joint
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Gassy Tea and Grocery Shopping

For more of Chi’s work:


Final Studies are in partnership with The University of Akron and are made possible with support from Fifth Third Bank and the Robert O. and Annamae Orr Family Foundation.