Tag: Akron Art Museum

How To: Plastic Bag Fabric

Inspired by Untitled by Alvin Demar Loving Jr. Supplies: Plastic bags (variety of colors, patterns)ScissorsIronsParchment paper Extras: Sewing machineThread Directions: 1. Collect plastic shopping bags. Look for interesting colors, patterns and designs. 2. Cut the plastic bags into shapes. Holding the bag taught makes it easier to cut. 3. Layer the cut pieces onto a larger shape of plastic bags. Create at least 6 layers but the more layers there are, the stronger the fabric will be. 4. Sandwich the layers between pieces of parchment

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How To: Plastic Bottle Beads

Supplies:Plastic bottlesScissorsEmbossing heat gunsPermanent markersNeedle nose pliers (insulated) Extras:String or wireBeads Directions:1. Collect and rinse plastic bottles. Try experimenting with different colored plastics.2. Carefully cut the bottles into strips, varying the width of the strips will create different size beads.3. Decorate the strips with permanent markers creating designs, patterns, or even writing a secret message.4. Roll up the plastic strips and hold firmly with the pliers.5. Heat the plastic with the heat gun and watch the plastic shrink and harden. When you are finished, let

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