Creatively fill in the list on the next page with whatever words you like, then transfer your list to the blanks in the story. Finally, read the story from start to finish and enjoy your silly creation!
Locate the given words in the grid, running in one of eight possible directions horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
Drawing can be fun and games if you let it. Grab a pencil and some paper. This game can be played alone or in a group. Alone: Spin 10 times. Each time, do what the spinner tells you. Decide if you like your drawing. If not, spin 10 more times. With Friends: Decide on what you draw. Tell them if its animal, vegetable, or mineral. Spin the wheel 5 times. Use the cues to determine the style of your drawings. Once the drawing is done,
Locate the given words in the grid, running in one of eight possible directions horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
Locate the given words in the grid, running in one of eight possible directions horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
Grids and squares are instrumental elements of many of our works of art. Inspired by the ways artists mix colors, we made this simple downloadable mini-chess set. Enjoy a colorful holiday. Download the printable
As a holiday gift, we’re passing on a free tile-laying game for 2 to 5 players. Players pull 15 tiles from a bowl of tiles. The first person to be rid of all their tiles, wins. Download and print the game on hard stock. On their turn, each player adds a tile: Marble floors connect to marble floors. Wood floors connect to wood floors. Floors cannot go through walls. If you can’t make a move, you need to pull a tile.
Drawing can feel scary. This game helps you loosen up your style or just have fun. How do you play? Print out the three dice. Fold and glue them together. Grab some colored pencils or markers. Find a few sheets of paper. Roll the dice. DRAW. If you’re with a friend, guess what they drew. OR Challenge them to draw something Download the Art Dice. MuseumGames are made possible by PNC with additional support from Acme Fresh Market, the Kathy Moses Salem Philanthropic Fund of
Following along on a tour through the Akron Art Museum with Doodlebug, the art loving bug. During your visit, you’ll get the chance to meet four different paintings from the museum’s collection and ask them questions about themselves and their makers. This game was created by staff member Tyler Stallsmith, with illustrations by staff member Maria Uhase. It was included as part of GameFest Akron 2020 to offer visitors an interactive and playful way to engage with the collection. Next time you visit the museum,
This crossword invites you to use your word smarts and the online collection to get to the right answer. Play the game virtually or print it out. Clues Across 2 Good for art bad for crime 5 Canvas alternative 6 Good for a body or canvas 10 Art to see from the back 11 Media for Jenny. (See) 15 Malleable 17 Go with it or Morris Louis‘ application method. 19 Not one look but __ glare according to Julian (See) 20 Art is sometimes on