
Tag: museumsathome

Museum Crossword

This crossword invites you to use your word smarts and the online collection to get to the right answer. Play the game virtually or print it out. Clues Across 2 Good for art bad for crime 5 Canvas alternative 6 Good for a body or canvas 10 Art to see from the back 11 Media for Jenny. (See) 15 Malleable 17 Go with it or Morris Louis‘ application method. 19 Not one look but __ glare according to Julian (See) 20 Art is sometimes on

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Make a Mini Zine!

#MuseumAtHome #TryThis Need a quick way to creatively get out your stay-at-home stresses? A new style of sending a message to a friend? A fun approach for adults and kids alike to make a mini-story? Try making a zine! Zines, short for magazines, are self-published, easy-to-make projects that have zero-to-no stipulations. Zines used to be created as a way for science fiction fans to add onto their favorite narratives, often through cutting and pasting paper together to form a small book or issue. Now, zines

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Op Art Folders

#MuseumFromHome #TryThis The Op Art movement is often associated with Julian Stanczak, whose first major show at the Martha Jackson Gallery in New York was called Julian Stanczak: Optical Paintings. His poetic works use repetition of line in constrained color palettes. Stanczak’s virtuoso linear paintings are a testament to craftsmanship. Attempting to lay down a grid with Washi tape, one gains an appreciation for the quality of the real works of art. SUPPLY LIST: ScissorsSolid color folderWashi tape Find a folder with a singular color.

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