Felt, yarn, acrylic and rhinestones on canvas
Glazed ceramic
Mannequin, Dutch wax printed cotton textile, rope
Aluminum liquor bottle caps and copper wire
Mixed media including buttons, wire, bugle beads, metal and mannequin
Oil on canvas
Acrylic and found portrait on canvas with hand stitching
Tar and varnish on canvas
Ektacolor print
Oil on fabric
Lithograph, woodcut and screenprint on board
Painted cast concrete
Readymade of cloth, fur and zipper
Oil on fiberboard
Acrylic and graphite on canvas
Acrylic and alkyd on mahogany panel
Assemblage on Wood
Acrylic and graphite on gessoed linen
Enamel on chair and sewn and stuffed cloth pouches
Silkscreen ink and spray paint on linen