
Text in art

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Bernar Venet Untitled

Offset lithograph on paper

Lesley Dill I See Visions

Lithograph with hand-sewing on muslin and silk organza

Sophie Calle Hotel Room 29/March 6

Photographs and text on aluminum

James Rosenquist First

Lithograph with acrylic spray on paper

Beth van Hoesen Dr. R’s Skull (State I)

Drypoint and aquatint with roulette on paper

Robert Colescott See Robert Cheap Thrill

Gouache, marker and graphite on paper

Siah Armajani One Apple

Stamp pad ink and pencil on primed canvas

Kristen Cliffel The Dirty Dozen

Low fire clay, glaze, lustre, wood and Lucite

Hubert Hilscher Cyrk

Lithograph on paper

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